Change of Use Applications
in Melbourne, Victoria

Welcome to M & D Town Planning – Your Change of Use Application Experts!

At M & D Town Planning, we appreciate how the redevelopment of a property can be almost life-changing, but dealing with the intricacies of change-of-use applications can be daunting. That is where we come in—we are the change of use application professionals who can manage and advise on applications to make your transition as smooth and successful as possible.

What is a Change of Use Application?

A change of use application is necessary to alter the predetermined use of a property, changing it from a residence to an office or transforming an office into a restaurant. For this purpose, an intricate arrangement must be made to fit the new purpose within townland regulations and social norms.

Why Choose M & D Town Planning?

We offer a range of services to support every stage of your commercial development project

Expert Guidance

Our M & D Town Planning team brings extensive experience and a deep understanding of local planning regulations. We have substantial knowledge about different formalities of change of use applications and thus guarantee that your project will respect all requirements and regulations.

Tailored Solutions

We recognise that each change of use application is unique. We offer personalised services to meet your specific needs and objectives. We craft customised strategies to fit your vision from initial assessment to final approval.

Efficient Process

With our help, the application process is made as simple as possible, and all paperwork and submissions are done to the finest detail. We do not take long to ensure minimal delay and that the approval process is as short as possible to enable you to complete your project.

Transparent Communication

M & D Town Planning relies heavily on direct speech. Thus, we maintain an open channel with our clients during the entire process, giving them regular updates and answering any queries they might have to uphold transparency. Being transparent guarantees that you are always in touch with us.

Proven Results

Our experience record's success in managing change-of-use applications is a testimony. We always provide results that align with the client’s objectives, and we always comply with the necessary regulations.

Transform Your Property with Confidence

Changing the use of a property can unlock new possibilities, and M & D Town Planning is ready to assist you. Working with us, you will not have any issues while dealing with a change of use applications; thus, you can proceed with your project in confidence.

Are you ready to learn about the prospects? Contact us at M & D Town Planning for a consultation now, and let us guide you towards success.