What services does M & D Town Planning offer?

M & D Town Planning offers comprehensive town planning services, including pre-application, application lodgement, and post-permit services. Check out our full list of town planning services

What areas do we service?

M & D Town Planning primarily services clients within Melbourne and the rest of Victoria. We have extensive experience working with local councils which gives us comprehensible knowledge with the specific requirements of different municipalities within the state. Check out the areas we serve.

Why should I choose M & D Town Planning for expert advice?

M & D Town Planning is a trusted choice for town planning advice. Their knowledgeable and experienced team can assist with strategic planning, environmental planning, and development assessments.

How do clients benefit from M & D Town Planning’s services?

Clients of M & D Town Planning appreciate their efficiency, knowledge, and responsiveness. M & D Town Planning aims to save clients time and stress by offering comprehensive planning services.

What are the costs involved in town planning services?

Costs may vary based on the scope and complexity of the project. We provide detailed quotes after an initial consultation and site assessment. We assure our pricing is transparent, and we work with clients to develop a budget that fits their needs.

Do you offer consultations for potential projects?

Yes, we offer free initial consultations to discuss your project ideas and assess feasibility. This allows us to understand your needs and provide preliminary advice on the process and potential challenges.

Do I need a Planning Permit or a Building Permit?

The need for a Planning Permit or a Building Permit entirely depends on the specifics of your project. A Planning Permit is required for land use and development changes and should comply with local planning regulations while a Building Permit is required for the actual construction work and should comply with building codes and standards. To learn more about the planning permit application process, visit our blog post.

What assistance does M & D Town Planning offer with subdivisions?

M & D Town Planning can project manage the entire subdivision process, including applying for planning permits, engaging licensed land surveyors, obtaining certification, and facilitating the registration of new titles.

How can M & D Town Planning help with land development projects?

M & D Town Planning offers expertise in development assessments and provides valuable insights for land development projects. They ensure regulatory requirements are met for successful outcomes.

At M & D Town Planning, we work closely with our clients to assist in all town planning matters, no matter the size or complexity. Reach out to us today to see how we can help.